Thursday, March 5, 2020

Breakfast Changing Lives One Day at a Time

Breakfast Changing Lives One Day at a Time However, a new survey conducted by TODAY revealed some positive news that I’m reporting to brighten your day! Breakfast is changing us all for the better! Yup, it’s a ridiculous statement but there’s some merit to it, and it’s all true (at least, for viewers of the TODAY show). For one thing, according to the survey, a total of eight out of 10 participants agree that breakfast routines help them to stay healthier throughout the day (and most make healthier breakfasts as well). The survey revealed that 86 percent are eating breakfast each and every day. The most important meal of the day is helping people stay on track throughout the rest of the day, and that’s a big deal when it comes to health. The study also revealed that these breakfast routines are changing people’s ideas of what it means to eat a healthy breakfast. In other words, the French toast strips aren’t cutting it, and people are opting for protein bars, smoothies, and other healthy alternatives. The study also revealed that morning time with the family is now just as important as dinner time. So for you and your roommates, this means that breakfast before class is a great way to spend time together, get to know one another more, and get that extra quality time to help build your relationship. Another interesting aspect of the study was that it shows redefined gender roles in that dads are the most common breakfast makers in the morning. Progress! The study also revealed that breakfast meetings are becoming more common and that it’s bettering our vocabulary when it comes to food. Did anyone know you could eat an avocado if it wasn’t in guacamole? Well, we do now! Kind of. The study also revealed that a big aspect of this new appreciation for breakfast comes from social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat, where individuals can continuously update their friends on their every move, including their mealtime habits. The survey also revealed that one out of every two participants found that the morning was the best “me” time, which is a big reason why they loved their breakfast time. This is also a great time to meet new people as we look the freshest and ready for coffee dates. Plus, these dates easily fit into your schedule, so long as you’re a bit of an early bird. And ever have a late night out with friends? People are still getting up early to have breakfast as a group, something that’s becoming much more popular according to the survey. And this is all not to mention the way that these habits have changed fast food now, McDonalds has all day breakfast, Starbucks is continually adding new drinks to its menu, and other chains are opening earlier or remaining open 24 hours for those early birds and night owls. And how many times since you’ve been in college have you had breakfast for dinner? Probably more than you’re willing to admit. But that’s because breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and we’re now ready for it whenever we want it. Literally. And 77 percent of participants claim they are seeking new blenders and other tech items simply because of their morning routine. People are now becoming more creative, taking the time to prepare their food to post a picture of it instead of simply throwing something together and leaving the house. It’s perhaps a generational thing, as the previous generation is used to the traditional bacon and eggs while this generation turned to avocado toast and yogurt bowls with your favorite fixings. Essentially, breakfast has become such an important part of our lives again that it’s actually defining us for the better. It may be ridiculous, and perhaps not the good news that you’re really waiting for, but it’s something in the midst of all this dreariness! And something is without a doubt better than nothing. So put together some breakfast for dinner, skip over the news channel and watch a new TV show or movie, or simply snuggle up with a good book or a loved one (if they aren’t one and the same). Because it’s about time something good happens in our lives, even if that thing is simply a good breakfast. Stay safe out there!

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