Friday, March 27, 2020

Ways To Improve School English Learning

Ways To Improve School English LearningThe important part of English is English, and there is no doubt that to be able to speak English and to write it means a lot to students. There are several options for schools to enable their students to be able to learn English in the best way possible.Schools can use English as an elective subject as long as they are offering courses in other subjects such as French or Biology or Maths. This is an ideal option for students who want to enroll in schools that have English as an elective subject. Students who want to learn English have to be careful that they go to a school which offers English as an elective as much as possible.Writing is one of the most important skills that a student should learn. It is true that writing is not just the art of writing but also the craft. Students need to learn the basics so that they can be able to write proficiently, as well as how to improve it as they progress in the course.There are many schools that help students learn how to write in English by providing them with an English curriculum. Some schools provide a larger curriculum of how to write in English as well as how to maintain a good style of writing such as proper punctuation, use of sentence structures and grammar, and even how to correct mistakes in writing.To improve the level of English proficiency of students, teachers should make every effort to inform students about the basics of English in the classroom. To accomplish this, teachers must spend some time studying each and every aspect of English. It would be very helpful if they talk about the basic rules of English usage, how to write and what to avoid, how to spell words and letters, and how to write sentences.Language is not just learning how to use words and letters, but it is a skill that has to be learnt so that students learn to properly communicate. There are many grammar books available in the market, and they can help students to improve their English skills.Th e important thing is that they should be useful to students so that they learn to speak English. There are plenty of English books available in the market that can teach the students how to understand and speak in English as well as how to write it. They can be very helpful to students who want to learn English, and they can be of great help to teachers who want to improve the level of English proficiency in their students.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! From everyone at AJ Tutoring: we wish you a fantastic finish to 2019 and a beautiful start to 2020!For us, the holidays are all about community and giving back. At AJ, community is one of our core values, and we are proud to partner with the local community to provide free or reduced-cost academic and test prep tutoring to students of all backgrounds. Please find below a brief snapshot of what we’ve done recently.Last year we worked with over 1000 students on a pro-bono or reduced-cost basis.We partnered with 18 non-profit organizations to provide top-quality instruction to underserved communities.Our team spent 1400 hours volunteering in the local community. 45% of AJ team members participated in our company-sponsored volunteer projects.Through our outreach efforts, we have partnered with local nonprofits and school groups in order to provide:SAT/ACT prep classesHigh School Entrance Exam ClassesAcademic Homework HelpSeminars on navigating the test-taking processSeminars on Study S killsTeacher TrainingsStudent scholarshipsSupport of local community service effortsHere are just a few of our non-profit partners:SAT at Foundations for College EducationACT at Foundations for College EducationACT with AVID Los AltosSAT with AVID Mountain ViewISEE with Peninsula BridgeAcademic Homework Club with Peninsula BridgeAcademic Homework Club with Peninsula BridgeAcademic Homework Club with Peninsula BridgeWe look forward to another year of getting to know the Bay Area better and to furthering our educational mission! If you are interested in learning more about our educational outreach, you can reach out to AJ’s Social Outreach Director: Chelsea Greene!

Blue Pill or Red Pill Matrix Listening Exercise

Blue Pill or Red Pill Matrix Listening Exercise Im still hooked on watching classic movie clips on the YouTube Movie Clips channel. Today I came across one of my favorite scenes from The Matrix, where Morpheus offers Neo the chance to take the red pill or the blue pill.Its a great scene, and for English listening its got a couple nice phrasal verbs and expressions. Watch the video below, then see if you can answer the questions. Also, do you have any favorite movies youd like to see us use as a listening exercise? Let us know in comments.Answer the questions below in comments, and well respond.1. It is the world that has been ____ ___ your eyes to blind you from the truth. 2. Unfortunately no one can be told what the matrix is, you have to ____ ___ ___ ______. 3. After this there is no _____ ____. 4. What happens if he takes the blue pill? 5. What happens if he takes the red pill? 6. What popular story does Morpheus reference when he talks about the red pill? 7. Why do you think Morpheus makes his last warning, just before Neo tak es a pill? 8. Which pill would you have taken?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Grammar Than v. That

English Grammar Than v. That A common problem we see in our English classes, especially for speakers of Latin languages like Spanish or French, is confusion between than or that. In Latin languages, they are usually the same word, like que in Spanish, but in English we split them into two words for two ideas.Than is always used for comparing two things. You cannot substitute that for than in a comparative sentence.It is better that I thought. This is a common mistake. The correct sentence is: It is better than I thought.That is a relative clause used to connect and add more information.For example:She took the test that was hard. Which test did she take? The hard test.That is also a demonstrative pronoun. It replaces the object in the sentence.Example:Rock climbing is hard. Yes, that was hard. In this sentence that replaces rock climbing.That is also a subordinating conjunction. It is used when connecting a two-clause sentence.Example:It is better that we go.  The first clause is we go; the second clause or res ult clause is: It is better. In this case you can also use if, but if gives the sentence a different meaning because it is a conditional and means that we arent 100 percent sure the results of the clause.Finally, that can also be used as an adverb.Example: The test wasnt that bad.Ok, so that should answer most of your questions about that v. than. Let us know if you have more! Varaskkar Its explained pretty good. Thanks!

Breakfast Changing Lives One Day at a Time

Breakfast Changing Lives One Day at a Time However, a new survey conducted by TODAY revealed some positive news that I’m reporting to brighten your day! Breakfast is changing us all for the better! Yup, it’s a ridiculous statement but there’s some merit to it, and it’s all true (at least, for viewers of the TODAY show). For one thing, according to the survey, a total of eight out of 10 participants agree that breakfast routines help them to stay healthier throughout the day (and most make healthier breakfasts as well). The survey revealed that 86 percent are eating breakfast each and every day. The most important meal of the day is helping people stay on track throughout the rest of the day, and that’s a big deal when it comes to health. The study also revealed that these breakfast routines are changing people’s ideas of what it means to eat a healthy breakfast. In other words, the French toast strips aren’t cutting it, and people are opting for protein bars, smoothies, and other healthy alternatives. The study also revealed that morning time with the family is now just as important as dinner time. So for you and your roommates, this means that breakfast before class is a great way to spend time together, get to know one another more, and get that extra quality time to help build your relationship. Another interesting aspect of the study was that it shows redefined gender roles in that dads are the most common breakfast makers in the morning. Progress! The study also revealed that breakfast meetings are becoming more common and that it’s bettering our vocabulary when it comes to food. Did anyone know you could eat an avocado if it wasn’t in guacamole? Well, we do now! Kind of. The study also revealed that a big aspect of this new appreciation for breakfast comes from social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat, where individuals can continuously update their friends on their every move, including their mealtime habits. The survey also revealed that one out of every two participants found that the morning was the best “me” time, which is a big reason why they loved their breakfast time. This is also a great time to meet new people as we look the freshest and ready for coffee dates. Plus, these dates easily fit into your schedule, so long as you’re a bit of an early bird. And ever have a late night out with friends? People are still getting up early to have breakfast as a group, something that’s becoming much more popular according to the survey. And this is all not to mention the way that these habits have changed fast food now, McDonalds has all day breakfast, Starbucks is continually adding new drinks to its menu, and other chains are opening earlier or remaining open 24 hours for those early birds and night owls. And how many times since you’ve been in college have you had breakfast for dinner? Probably more than you’re willing to admit. But that’s because breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and we’re now ready for it whenever we want it. Literally. And 77 percent of participants claim they are seeking new blenders and other tech items simply because of their morning routine. People are now becoming more creative, taking the time to prepare their food to post a picture of it instead of simply throwing something together and leaving the house. It’s perhaps a generational thing, as the previous generation is used to the traditional bacon and eggs while this generation turned to avocado toast and yogurt bowls with your favorite fixings. Essentially, breakfast has become such an important part of our lives again that it’s actually defining us for the better. It may be ridiculous, and perhaps not the good news that you’re really waiting for, but it’s something in the midst of all this dreariness! And something is without a doubt better than nothing. So put together some breakfast for dinner, skip over the news channel and watch a new TV show or movie, or simply snuggle up with a good book or a loved one (if they aren’t one and the same). Because it’s about time something good happens in our lives, even if that thing is simply a good breakfast. Stay safe out there!

Equal Learning Foundations Testimonial

Equal Learning Foundations Testimonial Tutorz has done an amazing job with giving a stream of leads. My experience has been that the leads come in back to back on almost a daily basis. No other online tutoring services web site has even come close. The management is great about keeping in touch, and is the only company that seems to really care that the tutors (not just the students) are happy with the service. I’m very pleased with it, and would certainly recommend it to anyone without thinking twice!! by Mary Mackay, The Equal Learning Foundation (ELF), January 29th, 2008, Re-Released on March 10, 2011

How teachers can connect with their students in the digital age

How teachers can connect with their students in the digital age “For the first time ever, children born within the past five years will be fully “connected” from birth. Devices with high-speed connectivity will be used not as toys, but as extensions of everyday life. Moving forward, it is important to provide access to quality digital education for children from a young age, in order to give them the best chance at future success in school, work, and life.” - Skooli Online Tutoring To best prepare young people for a successful future, the classroom needs to embrace technology. Integrating digital learning tools with the classroom will help children develop the skills they need to for future academic and career aspirations, and for daily life. Regardless of how educators react to digital technology, it will be an inseparable extension of tomorrow’s “screenagers”. What schools and teachers can decide is whether or not to embrace and employ connected tech within the classroom in meaningful ways. In the past, we have often viewed accessible screen-based technologies as media for entertainment. Now, however, they have evolved into valuable tools - and these valuable tools can be used to push the boundaries of education and change the traditional connotation of the classroom. How can teachers use online devices, like computers, tablets, and mobile phones to help their students learn in the 21st century? I’ve done some research with team at Skooli, our friends in the online tutoring space, to come up with some ways digital tech can help teachers take their classrooms to the next, future-ready, screenager-in-mind, level: Minecraft: To most teachers, this one might seem obvious. Minecraft has experienced is already super popular in the classroom. Teachers who are using the game have found it to be effective in developing and sharpening “logic, problem solving, goal setting, science, economics and literacy” skills. Content that appeals to the “four Cs”: Common Sense Media’s four Cs should be taken into consideration when striving to maximize the time students spend with digital and online technology. The four Cs are connection, critical thinking, context, and creativity. Does the media your students engage with provide an experience he or she can connect to and learn from? Does it require critical thought that digs deeper and challenges the student to think in new ways about complex problems? Does it help your students understand how technology fits into the larger world? Does it stimulate creativity? Coding: Kids are totally capable of learning simple code from a very early age (and teachers, you can learn, too!) Computer programming is a highly sought after skill in the professional world and learning among adults is gaining tons of popularity as of late. It’s the way of the future and definitely something young students can learn in the classroom using free non-profit platforms like Informative TV and film: Some of the above examples focus more on skill-building than on growing knowledge of the world in the traditional sense. Online digital technology allows us as educators to access so much more content than ever before. For the younger learners, there are resources like PBS Kids, and for middle and high school students, there is a massive wealth of documentaries that explore curriculum content in further detail as well as every era of history you can think of! Scour the internet and you will be sure to find endless amounts of valuable media for the classroom; gone are the days of the TV and VCR and the trolley. Online tutoring: Online tutoring is one of the most practical ways to apply technology in order to learn material that will directly improve the student’s performance in the classroom. Some online tutoring services even support mobile phone and tablet interaction as well as computer. The Skooli classroom in action Do you have any creative ways to integrate technology in the classroom? Do you have any advice for teachers to connect with screenagers at school? We would love to hear from you, leave your comments below. Thanks to Skooli for the help on this article! Teachers interested in becoming online tutors can register here.

Homeschooling from an Insiders Perspective

Homeschooling from an Insider's Perspective We are all familiar with the stereotypical homeschooler: a student who goes to the park for P.E. and probably goes to school in pajamas, a privilege he is usually envied for. Over the past few years, this stereotype has become increasingly irrelevant as more and more families, especially in California, have decided to pull their children out of the public school system in order to ensure that they get the best education possible. Being a homeschooled student myself, I have come to see the many benefits of homeschooling and treasure the years I spent studying at home.The first thing that comes to mind is the personalized attention my brother and I always had. We attended “class” every weekday by logging into the A Beka Academy streaming website and watching pre-recorded lectures in an actual classroom. This allowed us to pause the video or go back if we were struggling with a particular concept. Added to that was the fact that our parents, science students themselves, were also av ailable to reinforce the material.Homeschooling also gave us the chance to study without the constant distractions of an average public or private school education. There was no need to have a “social life” or to maintain innumerable connections all at the same time. In a way, homeschooling made it easier to set academic goals, even long-term goals, and stick to them at the simple, everyday level. For me personally, this meant that my faith in Christ and relationship with Him had to be the guiding force of my education. From the very outset of high school, I decided that if it were the Lord’s will, I wanted to become a medical missionary. To do that, I would have to study very hard to get into a good college and later, a good medical school. Looking back, I realize that the loving support of my family and teachers helped me to take solid steps in that direction.Another important aspect of homeschooling that many families treasure is the opportunity to grow close by learning an d working together, and my family was no exception. True, my brother and I missed our friends from the private school we used to attend, but over time, we found other friends in our parents and in each other. Soon enough, the laughs, the discussions, and even the long, quiet study hours created a bond among us that we treasure to this day.Homeschooling has come a long way since its earliest stages of Puritan practice, and yet the stereotypes connected with it remain. Is it only meant for the lazy or bullied? Is it really substandard? In my experience and in that of many others, homeschooling has been anything but the stereotypical program many think it to be. With enough time and patience, I believe that families everywhere can change this state of affairs and prove homeschooling to be the excellent form of education I have found it to be.

Chemists Writing in the European Journal of Chemistry

Chemists' Writing in the European Journal of ChemistryChemicals and the European Journal of Chemistry are very important for the science community. This is especially true for the chemists, especially since the field of Chemistry has always been an interdisciplinary one. Chemists need to publish in a wide variety of journals in order to attract attention from other scientists and other students.The chemistry writing in the European Journal of Chemistry is made very interesting by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) that monitors and publishes all publications of all chemists. This will be an excellent source of information for the interested student who would like to gain more information about chemicals. The European Journal of Chemistry is particularly aimed at chemical interaction or chemoselective synthesis, which was invented by two chemists Alexander Fleming and Frederick Bourne. The European Journal of Chemistry is for those chemistry students who are already quite familiar w ith the subject.However, those students can also benefit from reading the European Journal, as this publication is highly recommended for those who are trying to enter the field of chemistry in a whole new way. The majority of today's chemistry students today started their careers in an undergraduate course and this is one of the best sources for those who are eager to get into a graduate degree. There are many areas for these students to start, including international business and industry, nanotechnology, biochemistry, engineering, pharmaceutical sciences, and many more.Chemistry has long been a part of every student's life because it requires a lot of fundamental knowledge in addition to basic science. The European Journal of Chemistry is perfect for those students who are serious about pursuing an advanced degree in chemistry. The article writing in this publication is usually very useful to help the student to research his or her topic, evaluate his or her research, and find a suitable thesis for his or her thesis defense.The European Journal of Chemistry is an opportunity for those who want to write chemistry articles to choose their subject from the list of topics available. This allows them to find a suitable topic for their paper and explore further their topic area. Students often see this article as a great way to write and also gives them an opportunity to interact with other students who are working on the same paper.The European Journal of Chemistry is very popular with the international science conference. A majority of the international science conferences is devoted to the publication of the latest reports. The most important conferences are held at the biennial meeting of the Biophysical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Both of these conferences are included in the Biophysical Society.The biophysical society brings together experts from different fields of science to focus on the latest research on various aspects of the biophysical field. These conferences are very beneficial for those students who are trying to get involved in a lot of research topics.